This is a ten-minute play, performed live in the round at Actors Theatre of Louisville, April 2007.
Kate Glasheen and Jim Erikson star as star-crossed lovers, with Lindsay Bullock as a professor of English. Written by David J. Loehr, directed by Jim Stark, presented as part of Riverrun's annual celebration of National Poetry Month. Video footage provided by Actors Theatre of Louisville.
This is a ten-minute play, performed live in the round at the 3rd Annual Louisville Playwrights Festival, April 2006.
Nick Newell stars as a journalist in a war zone.
It was written by David J. Loehr, directed by Jim Stark. Drunken monkey camerawork by the playwright.
At one point, the journalist makes reference to Jill Carroll, the Christian Science Monitor reporter who had been abducted in January of that year. At the time of writing, she was still missing. Hours before the show went on, she was released, which meant rewriting one line. It was a good reason to have to revise.
One of our company members, Tamara Dearing, in her primary line of work...
You can buy her cd's by clicking on the album covers, or by going to her website or by going to ear-x-tacy in Louisville, KY.